Song: Don't Stay Mad. 01/05/2012 for Vampire Maiden, By MCtheGirL Vampire Maiden Opening Three/3 Please don't say you are mad I have no idea why You drive me up the wall You make me crazy You do these things These little things That irritate me I could not help myself I took your doll and cut off all her hair I cant say sorry You hurt my feelings way to often Please don't say you are mad I have no idea why You drive me up the wall You make me crazy Oh no Someone help us We are falling apart again Dancing with fire It burns in you're eyes The anger I see in you Please don't say you are mad I have no idea why You drive me up the wall You make me crazy Oh no Someone help us We are at it again Yelling and screaming at each other For absolutely no reason We scratch each others eyes out Oh no Now we are blind Please don't say you are mad I have no idea why You drive me up the wall You make me crazy Oh no Oh no We are at it again Pulling hair and grinding teeth Biting each other on the face Now we are bloody Now we have scares Our faces are ruined We are no longer pretty We have nothing to fight for When will this ever end Oh no Oh no Now we are crying Please don't say you are sad For now I am mad I don't know why You drive me crazy Let's fight!